218 Chapter 8 – Managing and maintaining
Rev. 1.0
13 Reattach the finishing device.
14 Do one of the following:
If NEW CLEANING KIT appears on the control-panel display, use the Up arrow
or the Down arrow to scroll to YES, and then touch O
K. The kit life count is
automatically reset.
If NEW CLEANING KIT does not appear, press the M
ENU button. Use the Up
arrow or the Down arrow to scroll to CONFIGURE DEVICE, to RESETS, and then
to RESET SUPPLIES. Scroll to NEW CLEANING KIT, and then select Y
ES to
reset the count.
If you select NO or do not make a selection, and the cleaning kit is at
maximum life, the MFP remains offline until you replace the kit and select
15 Pack and seal the used parts in the packaging from the new ones. For
recycling information, see the recycling guide that is included with the new
image cleaning kit.