Section 1 Fax Operation (Basic Use)
Use the keypad to enter the desired subaddress and F-Code
password. (Maximum 20 digits)
* To switch between the subaddress and password input
screens, touch the “Password” key.
* A subaddress is required during F-Code Based
Communication in order to designate the other party's
corresponding F-Code Box.
* An F-Code password is used during F-Code Based
Communication. However, you do not have to enter an
F-Code password here if you have determined in advance
with the other party not to use one.
Touch the “Close” key twice and then go directly to step 20.
If you want to designate this key for Encrypted Transmission,
touch the “Encryption TX” [“Encryption”] key.
To use this key for Encrypted Transmission, touch the “On”
key. The Key Code/Box Number Input screen will appear.
Use the keypad to enter the 2-digit Key Code (01 - 20) that
corresponds to the Encryption Key you want to use for this
one-touch key.
Touch the “Encryption box #” key and then use the keypad to
enter the number of the destination party's Encryption Box.
Touch the “Close” key twice.
To register this one-touch key with the entered information as
is, touch the “OK” key.
The message display will return to the same screen as was
displayed in step 3.
If you want to continue registering other one-touch keys,
repeat steps 3 through 20.
If you are finished registering one-touch keys, press the Reset