LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum I-8
National Instruments Corporation
saving for previous version, 2-4
Signal Generator by Duration VI, A-2
sound VIs for Windows and Macintosh,
templates for VIs and controls, A-7
VI server properties in reserved VIs and
runtime systems, 2-9 to 2-11
VISA enhancements, 2-40 to 2-41
VISA error codes (table), A-9 to A-11
VISA GPIB Control REN function, 2-41
VISA VXI Cmd or Query, 2-41
VXI installation notes, 1-10 to 1-11
Web Server. See also Internet/HTTP services.
configuring, 2-55
overview, 2-48
running, 2-55
Web Server Browser Access dialog box,
2-49 to 2-51
example TCIP/IP access entries (table),
illustration, 2-49
options (table), 2-50
Web Server Configuration dialog box, 2-48
Web Server Visible VIs dialog box,
2-52 to 2-55
examples of Visible VIs list entries
(table), 2-54
illustration, 2-52
options (table), 2-53
wildcard characters in Visible VIs list
(table), 2-54
window enhancements. See dialog box, menu,
and window enhancements.
window managers. See configuring LabVIEW
windows on UNIX.
windows for front panel
defining minimum size, 2-3
maintaining proportions with monitor
resolution, 2-3
Windows operating systems
ActiveX enhancements, 2-13 to 2-14
Automation Open function, 2-14
Event functions, 2-14
ring enhancements, 2-13
support for ActiveX events, 2-13
HiQ and MATLAB, 2-15 to 2-22
choosing script server, 2-19
configuring data type of terminal,
creating HiQ scripts, 2-16 to 2-17
creating MATLAB scripts,
2-18 to 2-19
debugging scripts, 2-21
error codes (table), 2-22
importing or exporting scripts, 2-19
scrolling through scripts, 2-20
installation requirements (table)
all Windows versions, 1-2
Windows 95/98, 1-2
Windows NT, 1-2
installing LabVIEW
data acquisition, VXI, and GPIB
installation notes, 1-10 to 1-11
procedure for, 1-6 to 1-7
low-level register I/O for Windows 95/98,
report generation, 2-25 to 2-28
Run-Time Engine for Application
Builder, 2-41 to 2-46
sound VIs, 2-25
support for NI-DAQ for Windows and
Macintosh, 2-39
World Wide Web. See Internet/HTTP