NETGEAR FWG114P v2 Printer User Manual

Reference Manual for the ProSafe Wireless 802.11g Firewall/Print Server Model FWG114P v2
8-30 Virtual Private Networking
201-10301-02, May 2005
You will now see the “FWG114P v2” entry in the Active Self Certificates table and the
pending “FWG114P v2” Self Certificate Request is gone, as illustrated below.
Figure 8-20: Self Certificates table
7. Associate the new certificate and the Trusted Root CA certificate on the FWG114P v2.
a. Create a new IKE policy called Scenario_2 with all the same properties of Scenario_1
(see “Scenario 1 IKE Policy” on page 8-22) except now use the RSA Signature instead of
the shared key.
Figure 8-21: IKE policy using RSA Signature
Create a new VPN Auto Policy called scenario2a with all the same properties as
scenario1a except that it uses the IKE policy called Scenario_2.