Printronix MVP Series Printer User Manual

Host Mode Control Code Sequence Format
The PSeries (Configuration Option 20.1) control code sequence format is:
(Valid Header); [Ps q where:
Valid Header = first character (header) of a mode change control code
sequence. One of 11 hexadecimal characters can be
recognized as a valid header in accordance with
Configuration Option 31 through 41 defined in Table 77 .
[ = an ASCII left bracket (5BH)
Ps = New Mode to be entered, where:
Ps = 31H, for Mode 1
Ps = 32H, for Mode 2
Ps = 33H, for Mode 3
Ps = 34H, for Mode 4
Ps = 35H, for Mode 5
q = Control Code Sequence Terminator = 71 hex
NOTE: Do not use any spaces in the host mode control code sequence.
The ANSIcompatible operation (Configuration Option 20.2) requires the
following Control Code sequence:
ESC [Ps q where:
ESC = ASCII Escape (1BH)
[Ps q = the same as PSeries definitions
NOTE: Do not use any spaces in the ANSI host mode control code