Printronix MVP Series Printer User Manual

Option 71 Serial Data Transfer and Baud Rate
Ten selectable baud rates for transferring data across the interface are
possible. Nine are generated within the system, while the tenth can be
implemented external to the system. Although ordinary RS232 transmission
can be done at all available rates, do not use current loop at rates exceeding
Display Configuration
.0 71.0
9600 Baud (1 stop bit) or not used if RS232 not installed (default).
.1 71.1
110 (2 stop bits).
.2 71.2
150 (1 stop bit).
.3 71.3
300 (1 stop bit).
.4 71.4
600 (1 stop bit).
.5 71.5
1200 (1 stop bit).
.6 71.6
2400 (1 stop bit).
.7 71.7
4800 (1 stop bit).
.8 71.8
19200 (1 stop bit).
.9 71.9
External (1 stop bit).
NOTE: Stop bits apply only to printer transmitted data.