Routine Service and Diagnostics 9–11
Table 9–2. Self–Tests
Configuration Page #
00.1 Configuration printout including part numbers of each installed PROM and font 9–12
00.2 Primary and alternate font – printout of each installed character set including
PROM part numbers
Automatic Sequence
01.1 (MVP/L150) Continuous sequence of test patterns 05.1, 05.2 and 06.1
(150B/L150B) 02.1, 02.2, 02.3, 02.4, 03.1, 03.2, 03.3, 03.4, 05.1, 05.2, 06.1
Repeating Tests
02.1 All E repeating 9–14
02.2 All H repeating
02.3 All # repeating
02.4 All _ (Underline) repeating
03.1 Shift recycle repeating
03.2 Row increment repeating (64 characters set) (150B only)
03.3 All black plot, half speed, repeating
03.4 64 characters set, underlined repeating (150B only)
Print Tests
05.1 Shift recycle, full character set 9–15
Double High 16 lines
Paper Motion Test
06.1 T
op–of–Form, slews, and prints one line six times
NOTE: 12.1 thr
ough 14.0 ar
e used by service technicians.
Hex Dump Mode
15.0* Hex dump mode disable (default) 9–17
Flush last hex dump text line
16.0* Reconfiguration disable (default) – Lock/unlock feature (150B only) (page 4–4)
16.3 Reconfiguration enable – Lock/unlock feature (150B only) (page 4–4)
16.4 Accidental Reconfiguration enable (page 4–4)
22.0 Self–Test 80 column print (default) (refer to page 4–11)
22.1 Self–Test 132 column print (150B only) (refer to page 4–11)
*NOTE: 16.3 must be set to enable access to these options.