Programming 7–29
Table 7–9. ASCII Character Control Codes
Character Name Control Code
Dec V
Printer Response
ACK ACK (6) Sets one line spacing to 1/8, 1/9, or 1/10
inch depending on configuration 51.X.
Backspace BS (8) Positions logical print head print position
one space toward left margin. See
Appendix A for the BS/CR Protocol.
Cancel CAN (24)
• Clears print buffer in configuration 31.0
• Ignored in configuration 31.1. Refer to
Chapter 4 for details
Carriage Return CR (13) Same as Line Feed if configuration 23.1
is set (see page 4–12). 23.0 set causes
LOGICAL print head to be moved
to the left margin. See Appendix for the
BS/CR Protocol.
DLE DLE (16) EVFU channel 1 (top–of–form).
DC1 DC1 (17) EVFU channel 2.
DC2 DC2 (18)
Cancels condensed print mode (Mode 5).
See SI. EVFU channel 3.
DC3 DC3 (19) EVFU channel 4
DC4 DC4 (20)
Cancels double wide print mode. See SO.
(Refer to ESC 6, configuration 20.X).
EVFU channel 5.
NAK NAK (21) EVFU channel 6.
SYN SYN (22) EVFU channel 7.
ETB ETB (23) EVFU channel 8
CAN CAN (24) EVFU channel 9
EM EM (25) EVFU channel 10.
SUB SUB (26) EVFU channel 11.
ESC ESC (27) EVFU channel 12 (Vertical Tab 46.2).