Configuration 4–11
Option 22 — Insert Automatic Line Feed in Data Stream
Normally, Option 22 is disabled. When it is enabled, a line feed is
automatically inserted into the data stream after the last character in a
character line.
Display Configuration
.0 22.0 Disable (default). No line feed inserted. Refer to the related table in
the Programming chapter.
22.1 Insert after 132nd character in Modes 001, 002 and 005 and after
165th character in Mode 003.
22.2 Insert after 104th character in Modes 001, 002, and 004 and after
132nd character in Modes 003 and 005.
22.3 Insert after 80th character in Modes 001 and 002, after 100th
character in Mode 003 and after 132nd character in Mode 005.
22.4 Insert after 80th character in Modes 001, 002, 003 and 005.
Display Configuration
.0 22.0 Automatic line feed inserted after 255 characters in all modes
.1 22.1
The table below shows where the automatic line feed is inserted,
depending on which mode you are in.
22.1* 22.2* 22.3* 22.4* 22.1**
Mode 1 132 104 80 80 136
Mode 2 132 104 80 80 136
Mode 3 165 132 100 80 170
Mode 4 220 132 132 80 136
Mode 5 220 176 132 80 238
* = W
ith Configuration Option 56.0
** = W
ith Configuration Option 56.1