Printronix MVP Series Printer User Manual

Underline (28), 417
Version (59), 438
Vertical Dot Density (21), 410
Configuration Options (MVP/L150), 46
Auto Line Feed on CR (23), 412
Binary Count Slew (25), 414
Buffer Print with TOF (44), 429
Control Code Assignments (3141), 420
Delete Code 7F (29), 418
EVFU Control (42), 427
Forms Length at Power Up (52), 436
Host Mode Control Pgm. Stnd. (20), 48
Inhibit Lowercase/Underline (24), 413
Insert Auto Line Feed (22), 411
LPI Line Spacing (51), 435
Page Perforation Skip (50), 434
Paper Out Delay (27), 416
Plotting Exit (43), 428
Print or Graphics Mode (30), 419
Printer Online with Power On (26), 415
Underline (28), 417
Vertical Dot Density (21), 410
Configuration Options 20 to 59 Table, 47
Control Codes (150B), 73, 727
ASCII Character Control Codes Table,
ASCII Characters, 728
Horizontal Tab, 736
Mode Selection from Host, 740
Underline (Methods 1 & 2), 741
Control Codes (MVP/L150), 73
Alternate Character Set Deselect (0FH),
Alternate Character Set Select (0EH), 77
Carriage Return (0DH), 76
Dot Density, 715
Editing, 717
Elongated Characters (08H), 713
Even Dot Plot (04H), 78
EVFU (10H1FH), 726
Host Mode Control (01H), 720
Host Mode Control (09H), 720
Host Mode Control (0EH), 720
Host Mode Control (0FH), 720
Host Mode Control (1BH), 720
Line Feed (0AH), 74
Lines per Inch Spacing (06H), 712
Odd Dot Plot (05H), 78
Slewing a Specified Number of Lines, 718
Space (20H), 726
TopofForm/Perforation Skip (0CH), 75
Underline (5FH), 714
Control Codes Quick Reference Table, 73
DATA, 37
Dataproducts Interface, 85
characteristics, 82
input signals, 86
output signals, 87
channel assignment, 63
command codes, 65
end load code 6F, 64
programming example, 65
start load code 6H, 62
troubleshooting, 67
with IGP, 69
EVFU Memory, 62
clearing, 611
programming, 62
using, 68
Extended Character Set, A2