BS/CR Protocol
Protocol After Receiving a CR or BS Character*
Old Character
New Character
Resulting Character
1. space
space space
2. character space character
3. space
character new character
4. character underline old char + UL
5. underline character new char + UL
6. character character new character
7. bit image space bit image
8. space
bit image bit image
9. character bit image bit image
10. underline bit image bit image
11. bit image character character
Attributing Conditions
1. normal normal normal
2. dbl wide
(Conf. 20.1)
normal normal
3. dbl strike normal normal
4. emp normal normal
5. normal dbl wide
(Conf. 20.1)
6. normal dbl strike dbl strike
7. normal emp emp
8. not underlined underlined underlined
9. script normal normal
10. normal script script
1. super/subscript
sub + super **
* If character following CR or BS matches character string before CR or BS,
it will be printed in double strike to emulate second pass over print (bold).
** This feature enables subscript and superscript placement on the same
character column.