Printronix MVP Series Printer User Manual

Option 25 Binary Count Slew
Display Configuration
.0 25.0 With Control Code 10H (binary count of 0) causes one line slew,
11H (binary count of 1) causes a two line slew
, and each code incre
ments by one up to Control Code 1FH (binary count of 15) which
causes a 16 line slew
.1 25.1 W
ith set, the entire sequence is shifted by one so that Control Code
10H (binary count of 0) causes a 16 line slew instead of one, 11H
causes a one line slew
, and Control Code 1FH (binary count of 15)
causes a 15 line slew
NOTE: If Paper Instruction (PI) is enabled by configuration option 61.1,
option 25 enables the user to shift the values for the line slew
control codes by one. Note that a single PI (hex 00) command will
slew a blank line.
Display Configuration
.0 25.0 Slew 1 to 16 lines for line terminators PI (hex 00) thru PI (hex 0F).
.1 25.1 Slew 1 to 15 lines for line terminators PI (hex 00) thru PI (hex 0F).
PI (hex 00) and PI (hex 01).
NOTE: Note that a single PI (hex00) command will slew a blank line. The
distance between each PSeries plot dot row will be wrong if ESC
or SOH 3n or An is active. However, single PI (hex 00 hex 0F
or EVFU slew commands will slew lines with vertical line spacing
set with ESC or S0H 3n or An commands. In addition to the
ESC and S0H start header characters, the ETX character is also
allowed (Hex 03).