Printronix MVP Series Printer User Manual

SelfTests, 910, 911
automatic sequence, 913
configuration, 912
hex dump mode, 917
paper motion, 916
print, 915
procedure, 910
repeating, 914
Serial Matrix Bit Image Graphics, 52
Site Requirements, 24
Specifications, C1
electrical, C6
environmental, C6
interfaces, C8
operator controls and indicators, C7
paper and ribbon, C5
physical, C6
print format, C3
printer performance, C1
product certification, C6
2nd FUNC, 36
8LPI (8 Lines Per Inch), 34
ADDR, 37
Check (CHK), 34
DATA, 37
F/L (Forms Length), 35, 37
MODE, 36
Ready (RDY), 34
TOF (TopofForm), 35
Switching Interfaces, 826
Terminating Resistors, 826
Testing, preliminary, 212
TopofForm, Setting, 316
TOF (TopofForm), 35
Truncated Character Line, 522