SANsurfer FC/CNA HBA CLI User’s Guide
Command Line Interface for QLogic FC and FCoE Adapters
Index-14 SN0054614-00 K
Linux 1-22
Macintosh 1-24
Solaris SPARC 8, 9, and 10 1-22
Solaris x86 8, 9, and 10 1-23
VMware 1-24
Windows 1-21
unknown adapter types 1-2
unsupported adapters 1-2
unsupported features 1-5
adapter parameter templates 3-66
adapter parameters 3-65, 4-44
device driver 4-10
driver 3-69
FCode 4-7
firmware area 3-72, 4-46
firmware preload table 3-69
firmware, ASIC chip 3-109
Flash 3-65
Flash BIOS 4-7
MPI config table 3-71
user generated virtual port 3-100
Utilities Menu 3-64
utility header
XML 1 Format A-1
XML 2 Format B-2
-v 4-47
OS 3-4
viewing for product 3-121, 4-47
adapter information 4-5
adapter settings 4-4
beacon status 4-6
boot device 4-11
driver settings 4-4
link status 3-96
LUN list 4-5, 4-33
viewing (continued)
parameter settings 4-8
system information 4-5
target link speed 4-42
target list 4-5
virtual ports list 3-99
virtual LAN, See VLAN
virtual machine, VM
Virtual Menu 3-97
for adapter instance 3-98
virtual ports 3-97
auto-generating 3-100
creating 3-100
deleting 3-99
enabling 3-103, 3-106, 3-107
listing 3-99, 4-47
QoS, setting by bandwidth 3-104
QoS, setting by priority 3-103
quality of service 3-101, 4-43
support for 3-97
user-generated 3-100
Vital Product Data information 3-23
definition of Glossary-9
tag for FCoE port type 3-34
definition of Glossary-9
using with virtual ports 3-97
installation on 1-20
operating systems supported 1-3
uninstalling from 1-24
-vp 3-97
, 4-47
VPD information 3-23
vPorts, See virtual ports
installing on 1-8
operating systems supported 1-3
uninstalling from 1-21
Virtual Server environment 3-97