
Rev.1.02 Jul 01, 2005 page 194 of 314
M16C/6N Group (M16C/6NL, M16C/6NN) 16. D/A Converter
Under development
This document is under development and its contents are subject to change.
16. D/A Converter
This is an 8-bit, R-2R type D/A converter. These are two independent D/A converters.
D/A conversion is performed by writing to the DAi register (i = 0, 1). To output the result of conversion, set the
DAiE bit in the DACON register to 1 (output enabled). Before D/A conversion can be used, the corresponding
port direction bit must be set to 0 (input mode). Setting the DAiE bit to 1 removes a pull-up from the
corresponding port.
Output analog voltage (V) is determined by a set value (n : decimal) in the DAi register.
V = VREF n/ 256 (n = 0 to 255)
VREF : reference voltage
Table 16.1 lists the performance of the D/A converter. Figure 16.1 shows the block diagram of the D/A
converter. Figure 16.2 shows the D/A converter-related registers. Figure 16.3 shows the D/A converter
equivalent circuit.
Table 16.1 D/A Converter Performance
Figure 16.1 D/A Converter Block Diagram
DA0E bit
Data bus low-order
DA1E bit
DA0 register
R-2R resistor ladder
DA1 register
R-2R resistor ladder
Item Performance
D/A conversion Method R-2R method
Resolution 8 bits
Analog Output Pin 2 (DA0 and DA1)