12. Either;
To program another special terminal; go to step 3.
To finish; Function.
Editing the RTI/CSI for the Special Terminals
1. Function 6 2 2 2 2 8 1 and Yes.
2. Press scroll through the list. When
RTI/CSI you want to change appears,
press Yes.
3. Edit the RTI or CSI and press Yes.
How to edit: see page7
4. Either:
- Store this RTI as a wild card: Yes.
- Otherwise: No
5. Select whether you set this RTI/CSI as
the special terminal for authorized recep-
tion using or . (if yes: ON, if no: OFF)
6. Yes.
7. Select whether you set this RTI/CSI as a
special terminal multi copy using or .
(if yes: ON, if no: OFF)
8. Yes.
9. Select whether you make this RTI/CSI as
the special terminal for the authorized re-
ception using or . (if yes: ON, if no:
10. Yes.
11. Either;
To edit another special terminal; go to step 2.
To finish; Function.
Erasing the Special Terminal
1. Function 6 2 2 2 2 8 1 and Yes.