File Management
Every time you store a fax message in your machine’s memory, a new file is
created. Each file is given a number. To see which files are currently in the
memory, print a File List.
Note: A new file is created for each Polling Transmission, Substitute Reception,
and Confidential Reception also.
Cross-reference File List: see page 178.
Erasing a File from Memory
You can delete any of the memory files (except Confidential Reception files). This
is useful if the memory is getting full and you need to make some space for an
important job.
1. You can erase these kinds of file.
To Clear A: Enter
Fax message file (Memory Transmission): Function 2 1 and Yes
Instruction file (Polling Reception): Function 2 2 and Yes
Fax message file (Polling Transmission): Function 2 3 and Yes
(Example: Using Function 21)
2. Either:
- Print a list of files: and Start
- Erase files: go to step 3.
3. Either:
- Scroll through the files on the display:
or until the required file appears.
And Yes.
-If you know the file number, input it di-
rectly:0 0 2 and Yes.
4. Either:
- Erase the file: Yes. Go to step 5
- Keep the file: No. Go to step 3.
5. Either:
- Erase another file: Yes and go to step
- Finish: Function.
Note: You cannot erase files that were received using Confidential Reception.