
Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
118 AX500 Motor Controller Users Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
This parameter configures the transfer curve that is applied the input command.
Left/Right Adjust
Address: ^0B
Access: Read/Write
Effective: After Reset or ^FF
This parameter configures the compensation curve when motors are spinning in one direc-
tion vs. the other.
Default PID Gains
Address: ^0F - Proportional Gain
^10 - Integral Gain
^11 - Derivative Gain
Access: Read/Write
Effective: After Reset or ^FF
These parameters are the Gains values that are loaded after the controller is reset or pow-
ered on. These Gains apply to both channels. Gains can be changed at Runtime, and values
can be different for each channel using separate commands (see page 121).
Gains values are integer number from 0 to 63. This number is divided by 8 internal so that
each increment equals 0.125.
Bit Definition See pages
7:0 (0) = Linear (no exponentiation - default)
1 = strong exponential
2 = normal exponential
3 = normal logarithmic
4 = strong logarithmic
page 89
Bit Definition See pages
7:0 0, 1, ..., 6 = -5.25%, -4.5%, ...,-0.75%
(7) = no adjustment (default)
8, ..., D, E** = +0.75, ..., +4.5%, +5.25%
page 43
Bit Definition See pages
7:0 0 to 63 (16) default page 70 and page 76