AX500 Motor Controller User’s Manual 9
Query Digital Inputs 111
Reset Controller 111
Accessing & Changing Configuration Parameter in Flash 112
Apply Parameter Changes 112
Flash Configuration Parameters List 113
Input Control Mode 114
Motor Control Mode 114
Amps Limit 115
Acceleration 116
Input Switches Function 116
RC Joystick or Analog Deadband 117
Exponentiation on Channel 1 and Channel 2 117
Left/Right Adjust 118
Default PID Gains 118
Joystick Min, Max and Center Values 119
Reading & Changing Operating Parameters at Runtime 119
Operating Modes Registers 120
Read/Change PID Values 121
PWM Frequency Register 121
Controller Status Register 121
Controller Identification Register 122
Current Amps Limit Registers 122
Automatic Switching from RS232 to RC Mode 125
Analog and R/C Modes Data Logging String Format 126
Data Logging Cables 126
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table 127
SECTION 13 Using the Roborun Configuration Utility 131
System Requirements 131
Downloading and Installing the Utility 131
Connecting the Controller to the PC 132
Roborun Frame, Tab and Menu Descriptions 133
Getting On-Screen Help 134
Loading, Changing Controller Parameters 134
Control Settings 135
Power Settings 136
Analog or R/C Specific Settings 137
Closed Loop Parameters 138
Running the Motors 138
Logging Data to Disk 141
Connecting a Joystick 142
Using the Console 142
Viewing and Logging Data in Analog and R/C Modes 144
Loading and Saving Profiles to Disk 144