Understanding snapping
If, when extending a selection, the end points seem to “jump” to a different position, an auto snap option is turned on.
Turn snapping on or off
From the Options menu, choose Snapping, and then choose Enable from the submenu to turn snapping on or off. When snapping is
enabled, objects will snap to the following points:
• The cursor
• Time selection edges
• To turn snapping on and off, press F8.
• Hold the Shift key to temporarily override snapping.
You can also choose to snap events to grid divisions, markers, or zero crossings.
Snapping to the grid
When snapping is enabled, you can also choose to have objects snap to whole time divisions as designated by the marks on the time
ruler above the data window.
From the Options menu, choose Snapping, and then choose Grid from the submenu to toggle snapping to grid lines.
• To change the resolution of the grid, choose Status Format from the Options menu and then choose a setting from the submenu (or
right-click the time ruler and choose a format from the shortcut menu).
• To turn snapping to the grid on and off, press Ctrl+F8.
Snapping to markers
When snapping is enabled, you can also choose to have elements in the data windows snap to markers.
From the Options menu, choose Snapping, and then choose Markers from the submenu to toggle snapping for the following marker
• Markers
• Regions
• Command markers
• CD tracks and index markers
• Sample loops
To turn snapping to markers on and off, press Shift+F8.
Snapping to events
When snapping is enabled and you’re using the Event tool ( ), you can choose to have events snap to other events in the data window.
From the Options menu, choose Snapping, and then choose Events from the submenu to toggle snapping to event edges.
To turn snapping to events on and off, press Ctrl+Shift+F8.