Sony SF10000 Computer Accessories User Manual

Chapter 16
Working with MIDI/SMPTE
This chapter describes using Sound Forge® Pro software in conjunction with internal and external MIDI devices.
What is MIDI?
The musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) is a set of commands or a language that music software and hardware use to
communicate. The most common way to utilize MIDI is to have a device, such as a MIDI sequencer, generating and sending MIDI
commands to another device, such as a synthesizer.
MIDI triggers
You can use numerous internal and external devices to generate MIDI commands and trigger audio playback in the software.
Playback versus triggered playback
Procedures in this section use the Sound Forge MIDI Keyboard as the MIDI device for triggering audio playback.
For more information, see Using the MIDI keyboard on page 249.
Simple playback
When you click the Play button in the transport bar or playbar, the audio file in the active data window plays and you hear the audio.
MIDI is not involved.
Triggered playback
When the MIDI keyboard triggers playback of the same file, the following items occurs:
The MIDI Keyboard transmits MIDI commands to the MIDI router.
The MIDI router transmits the MIDI commands to the Sound Forge MIDI input port.
The audio file plays.
In the case of triggered playback, MIDI commands may come from any software or hardware device that generates MIDI.
Triggering file playback
Using the MIDI Keyboard or any other MIDI device to trigger audio playback involves three separate procedures:
Configuring the MIDI device (in this case, the MIDI Keyboard).
Enabling MIDI input synchronization.
Configuring the MIDI trigger.