Verify that the Source and Destination volume faders are set to 0 dB and click OK. The drum hit is mixed equally with the spoken
Preview the file and notice that mixing does not change the length of the file.
Using Undo and Redo
You can easily undo and redo edit operations, even prior to your last save operation.
• You can undo any edit operation by choosing Undo from the Edit menu, or by clicking the Undo button (
) on the Standard
• You can redo any undone edit operation by choosing Redo from the Edit menu, or by clicking the Redo button ( ) on the
Standard toolbar.
The ability to undo past save is disabled by default. To enable this functionality, choose Preferences from the Options
menu, click the General tab, and select the Allow Undo past Save check box. When this option is enabled, your undo/redo history is
retained until you close the file or exit the software.
Using the Undo/Redo History window
The Undo/Redo History window may seem confusing at first, but you will find it invaluable once you have mastered it. This window
allows the audio file to be auditioned in various versions by undoing and redoing multiple operations.
To display the Undo/Redo History window, choose Undo/Redo History from the View menu (or press Alt+7).
The undo/redo history for an audio file is retained until you close the file or exit the software. If you want to retain undo/redo
history indefinitely, you should work with a Sound Forge project (.frg) file.
Performed operations
Undone operations
Play button
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