Editing a media file’s source project
When your Sound Forge project uses source media files that are rendered with an embedded project path reference, you can easily
open the source project in the associated application if you need to edit the media. By saving your project path reference when you
render files in ACID, Sound Forge, or Vegas, you can quickly access the media from Sound Forge via the Edit Source Project shortcut
: The project information in the rendered file is only a reference to a project file. If you modify the source project file after rendering,
the project data will no longer match the rendered file. To edit a project using a path reference, the project file and all media must be
available on your computer.
Right-click one of the following items:
• The waveform in a data window
• A media file in the Explorer window
From the shortcut menu, choose Edit Source Project. An ACID, Vegas, or Sound Forge window will open with the source project.
If you are editing a source project using a computer other than the computer where the project was created, then the editing
computer must meet the following requirements:
• The software that was used to create the project must be installed and the project file extension (.acd, .acd-zip, .veg, or .frg)
must be registered on the editing computer.
• The editing computer must have the same version (or later) of the software as the computer where the project was created.
• The project file must exist on the editing computer using the same file path as on the computer where the project was
• The project’s source media must exist on the editing computer. If the media files do not use the same file path as on the
computer where the project was created, you will be prompted to choose a new folder or replacement files.
Edit the project as necessary.
Render the edited project using the same name as the original media file and close the editing application.
: If you are editing an existing track, your project will automatically be updated with the latest rendered media file.