To customize your mix settings, choose a setting from the Preset drop-down list in the Mix/Replace dialog, or adjust the controls as
Item Description
Source Drag the Source fader to adjust the volume of the selection you want to mix.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the sustain portion of the wet gain envelope in the data window.
Select the Invert Data check box to invert the source audio at the baseline (reverse the phase). Inverting data can help
match transitions and compare the phase relationship of the two sound files.
Destination Drag the Destination fader to adjust the volume of the selection you want to mix over.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the sustain portion of the dry gain envelope in the data window.
Select the Invert Data check box to invert the destination audio at the baseline (reverse the phase). Inverting data can
help match transitions and compare the phase relationship of the two sound files.
Fade In Type a value in the Fade In box (or use the spinner) to set the length of the fade in between the source and destination
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the attack portion of the envelope in the data window.
Click the Fade Curves button
( ) and choose a curve type from the menu to set the speed of the fade in.
Proportional Fade Select the Proportional fade lengths check box if you want to specify fade lengths as a percentage of the selection.
Fade Out Type a value in the Fade Out box (or use the spinner) to set the length of the fade out between the source and
destination audio.
Changing this setting has the same effect as dragging the attack portion of the envelope in the data window.
Click the Fade Curves button
( ) and choose a curve type from the menu to set the speed of the fade out.
More Click to display additional controls at the bottom of the dialog that you can use to change the selection you want to
Click the OK button to apply the mix.
Mixing audio from the clipboard
Open and play the Drumhit.pca file. The file contains a snare drum and crash cymbal sound.
Verify that the Drumhit.pca window is active and choose Select All from the Edit menu, or press Ctrl+A. The entire waveform is
From the Edit menu, choose Copy, or click the Copy button ( ).
Activate the Voiceover.pca data window and click the Go To Start button ( ) on the playbar. The cursor moves to the start of the
From the Edit menu, choose Paste Special, and choose Mix from the submenu, or click the Mix button ( ). The Mix/Replace
dialog appears.