If you want to customize the format for copying metadata to the clipboard, right-click the window and choose Custom Copy to
Clipboard from the shortcut menu.
The Copy Metadata dialog is displayed to let you choose whether you want to copy the data as formatted text or delimited text, set a
delimiter, and choose whether you want to include a header row.
Click OK to copy the metadata to the clipboard, and you can then paste the information wherever you need it.
Regions List window (Ctrl+Alt+M, 0)
The Regions List window contains all regions and markers that exist in the active data window. From the View menu, choose Metadata,
and then choose Regions List from the submenu to show or hide the Regions List window. For more information, see Using the Regions
List on page 127.
Playlist window (Ctrl+Alt+M, 1)
The Playlist window is used to arrange regions for playback. From the View menu, choose Metadata, and then choose Playlist from the
submenu to show or hide the Playlist window. For more information, see Using the Playlist on page 130.
Track List window (Ctrl+Alt+M, 2)
The Track List window is used to arrange tracks for a disc-at-once CD. From the View menu, choose Metadata, and then choose Track
List from the submenu to show or hide the Track List window. For more information, see Using the Track List window on page 300.
26 | CHAPTER 2