Editing loops for ACID software
You can use a number of tools to prepare audio for use in ACID software.
Halving or doubling a loop
These commands allow you to quickly change the size of a selection.
Loop Half loop Double loop
Halving a loop
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and choose Halve from the submenu.
You can also click the Halve Selection button ( ) on the Navigation toolbar or press the semicolon key (;).
Doubling a loop
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and choose Double from the submenu.
You can also click the Double Selection button ( ) on the Navigation toolbar or press the apostrophe key (‘).
Shifting a selection left or right
The shift selection commands allow you to quickly create a new selection adjacent to the current selection while maintaining the size of
the original.
Creating a new selection to the left of the current selection
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and choose Shift Left from the submenu.
You can also click the Shift Selection Left button ( ) on the Navigation toolbar or press <.
Creating a new selection to the right of the current selection
From the Edit menu, choose Selection, and choose Shift Right from the submenu.
You can also click the Shift Selection Right button ( ) on the Navigation toolbar or press >.