DC Offset controls
Choose DC Offset from the Process menu to display the DC Offset dialog. The following controls are located in the DC Offset dialog.
Control Description
Automatically detect and Calculates and corrects the DC offset for each channel individually.
Adjust DC offset by Allows you to specify a DC offset value manually.
• -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 for 32-bit data
• -8,388,608 to 8,388,607 for 24-bit data
• -32,768 to 32,767 for 16-bit data
• -128 to 127 for 8-bit data
Compute DC offset from Selecting this check box specifies that only the first five seconds of a file are analyzed when measuring the DC
first 5 seconds only offset. Be aware that five seconds is not sufficient if the beginning of a file has a long fade-in or mute.
Three EQ options are available in the Process menu: Graphic, Paragraphic, and Parametric. Each of these options launch the
appropriate XFX effect. For more information on using the XFX EQ effects, click the Help button ( ) in the process dialog.
Fade - Graphic Fade
Graphic fade allows you to create custom fade envelopes to apply to audio data. You can use up to 16 envelope points to create
complex graphic fades.
Creating a graphic fade
Open the Musicbed.pca file.
Select the last half of the audio (approximately five seconds).
From the Process menu, choose Fade, and choose Graphic from the submenu. The Graphic Fade dialog is displayed.
From the Show wave drop-down list, choose Mono source. The Musicbed.pca waveform is displayed in the graph. For more
information on the dialog controls, see Graphic Fade controls on page 183.
From the Preset drop-down list, choose -6 dB exponential fade out. The fade’s envelope is displayed in relation to the waveform in
the graph.
Full volume at start of selection
Zero volume at end of selection
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