Experimenting with status formats
You can experiment with the Voiceover.pca file to see how status formats affect values in the selection status bar display boxes.
Open the Voiceover.pca file.
From the Options menu, choose Status Format, and choose Samples from the submenu.
Select all data in the Voiceover.pca window by choosing Select All from the Edit menu. Notice the selection status boxes.
• The first selected sample is sample 0.
• The last selected sample is 220,507.
• The total number of samples in the selection is 220,507.
From the Options menu, choose Status Format, and choose Time from the submenu. Notice that status values change from
samples to hours, minutes, and seconds.
From the Options menu, choose Status Format, and choose SMPTE Non-Drop (29.97 fps, Video) from the submenu. Notice that
status values change to hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.
Experiment with each status format and make note of how each format appears.
• Selecting a new format changes the status format for the current data window only.
• To quickly change a file’s status format, right-click any of the data window’s status display boxes and choose a new format from the
shortcut menu.
Configuring the Measures & Beats format
Choosing the Measures & Beats format allows you to specify the beats per minute and beats per measure values used to calculate
measures and beats.
Changing a file’s beat values
From the Options menu, choose Status Format, and then choose Edit Tempo from the submenu. The Edit Tempo dialog appears.
Type an appropriate value in the Tempo in beats per minute box.
Type an appropriate value in the Number of beats in a measure box and click OK.
Alternately, you can make a selection in the file equal to one measure, and then type the number of beats in the sample measure in the
Selection length in beats box. The Tem po value is automatically calculated based on the selection length and number of beats.