Chapter 4
Navigating, Zooming, and Selecting
This chapter introduces some of the Sound Forge® Pro navigation and selection features.
Setting the cursor position
While you can click anywhere in the waveform to position the cursor, there are times when you may need to position the cursor more
precisely. You can use the Go To dialog to move the cursor to a specific point in an audio file and center it in the data window.
You can also use a variety of keyboard shortcuts to position the cursor. For more information, see Cursor movement shortcuts on
page 330.
Choose Go To from the Edit menu. The Go To dialog appears.
You can also use the following methods:
• Right-click the waveform, choose Cursor, and choose Go To from the submenu.
• Press Ctrl+G.
Set the cursor position using one of the following methods:
• From the Go To drop-down list, choose a preset.
• From the Input format drop-down list, choose a format and type an appropriate value in the Position box.
Click OK. The cursor is placed at the specified position in the data window.
Previewing audio with pre-roll
Many audio editing operations depend upon accurate placement of the cursor in the data window. The Pre-roll to Cursor command
allows you to preview audio data leading up to the current cursor position. This command is extremely useful when recording punch-
ins. For more information, see Choosing a recording mode on page 141.
A 1.5 second pre-roll is automatically designated. However, you can change this value if necessary. For more information, see Configuring
cut pre-roll and post-roll lengths on page 75.
Place the cursor anywhere in the data window.
From the Transport menu, choose Pre-roll to Cursor (or press Ctrl+Shift+K). Sound Forge software plays the audio leading up to
the cursor and stops at the cursor.
The Transport menu is available only when the Show Transport menu check box is selected on the General tab in the
Preferences window. For more information, see General tab on page 312.