1600XP Series Installation and Operation Manual
16.2 Audible Alarm Functions
An audible alarm (buzzer) will sound when the UPS is in the battery backup mode, has a fault, has low
battery voltage, or is in an overload condition. The buzzer will also beep each time an effective item is
touched on the touchscreen. The following chart shows the buzzer pattern durations for each condition.
Time units are shown in seconds.
Condition Audible Pattern
Any Fault (Interrmittant buzz until fault clears)
Switch to Backup (Single ve-second buzz)
Backup Operation (Intermittant buzz once every
ten seconds)
UPS Battery Shutdown Voltage
(Batt. Voltage 79%)
OL110 (Overload Timer)
LB (Low Battery - Batt. Voltage 90%)
BLFN (Battery Life Pre-alarm - Batt exp in 6 mo.)
BLFE (Battery Life End)
CHRGOV (Charger Over Voltage)
BTSTFL (Battery Test Fail)
BOH (Battery Overheat)
AOH (Ambient Overheat)
CLMT (Current Limit)
DCER (Display Disconnected)
BDEPL (Battery Depletion)
Touching Effective Item on Touchscreen
The buzzer can be silenced by selecting the Settings tab, then set the Mute Enable parameter to 1. This
will turn off the buzzer for the current alarm status, but the buzzer will still sound when the next Fault/
Warning condition occurs.
The buzzer can be disabled by selecting the Settings tab then setting the Mbuzzer parameter to 0. This
will disable the alarm so that no alarm sounds for any Fault or Warning condition.
0.1 s
5.0 s
0.5 s
0.5 s
1.0 s
1.0 s
5.0 s
9.0 s
1.0 s