9 - 10
Parameter Explanations (cont'd)
Item 56, R,S1-S7 RESPONSE TIME - Use this function to adjust the time between an input terminal's
connection to "CC" and its function's realization. A setting of "100" results in a delay of about 200
Item 57, "F" INPUT TERMINAL RESPONSE TIME - Use this function to adjust the time between an
input terminal's connection to "CC" and its function's realization. A setting of "100" results in a delay of
about 200 milliseconds.
Item 58, "RES" INPUT TERMINAL RESPONSE TIME - Use this function to adjust the time between an
input terminal's connection to "CC" and its function's realization. A setting of "100" results in a delay of
about 200 milliseconds.
Item 59, "ST" INPUT TERMINAL RESPONSE TIME - Use this function to adjust the time between an
input terminal's connection to "CC" and its function's realization. A setting of "100" results in a delay of
about 200 milliseconds.
Item 60, "RCH" CONTACTS FUNCTION - Enter the code from the table on pages 9-11 and 9-12 to
determine when drive will change the state of this dry output contact. Terminals "RCHA" and "RCHB" are
either side of the contact.
Item 61, "RCH" CONTACTS DELAY TIME - sets the delay between the time the drive senses a desired
condition and the time at which a change in "RCH" contact indicating this condition occurs. Maximum
adjustment of "100" is approximately 200 milliseconds.
Item 62, "RCH" CONTACTS HOLD TIME - Example: Suppose drive is programmed to close "RCH"
contact when it is outputting more than 30 Hz. When the drive's output frequency dips below 30 Hz, the
contact will immediately open. Adjusting this parameter to "100" would keep the "RCH" contact closed (i.e.
"RCHA" to "RCHB" shorted) for an additional 200 milliseconds after the drive outputted less than 30 Hz.
Item 63, "LOW" CONTACTS FUNCTION - See item 60 above.
Item 64, "LOW" CONTACTS DELAY TIME - See item 61 above.
Item 65, "LOW" CONTACTS HOLD TIME - See item 62 above.
Item 66, "FL" CONTACTS FUNCTION - See item 60 above. On terminal strip, normally open contact is
between "FLA" and "FLC". Normally closed contact is between "FLB" and "FLC".
Item 67, "FL" CONTACTS DELAY TIME - See item 61 above.
Item 68, "FL" CONTACTS HOLD TIME - See item 62 above.
Item 69, "OUT" CONTACTS FUNCTION - See item 60 above. Available on INV3-COM-B and
INV3-COM-D option boards (see page 11-4 for more information).
Item 70, "OUT" CONTACTS DELAY TIME - See item 61 above.
Item 71, "OUT" CONTACTS HOLD TIME - See item 62 above.
JumpersPanelKeypadParametersProgrammingServiceDimensionsIndex Inspection