Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

6287 ALLY PLUS User’s ManualPage 7-4
RM The character position of the Right Margin. The value of the
RM must be greater than LM and less than or equal to MPP.
Note: 3287- and 3289-compatible devices ignore the RM
T1-TN The character positions of the horizontal tab stops, if any.
Valid tab stops are less than or equal to the value of MPP.
The tab stops do not have to be in any particular order.
Note: All parameters are single byte binary numbers.
Set Line Density (SLD) — 2BC6h
The Set Line Density command is used to set the vertical line spacing to 3,
4, 6 or 8 lines per inch. The ALLY PLUS accepts this command and sends
the proper programmable function string to the printer. If the assigned PFS
is empty, the command is ignored, and no data is output to the printer.
Set Vertical Format (SVF) — 2BC2h
The Set Vertical Format command is used toset top and bottom page
margins, vertical tab stops that are used by the vertical tab command, and to
set the maximum presentation line for the page.
Note: The SVF command will override the configuration settings of Options
13 and 14.
The SVF command has multiple parameters in the following format:
(SVF)(CNT)(MPL)(TM)(BM)(T1)...(TN) Where:
SVF The Set Vertical Format command code = 2BC2h
CNT A Count of the number of bytes in this command string,
including the count byte.
MPL The length of the page. 1-127 are valid.
TM The line number of the Top Margin for the page. TM is also
the first vertical tab stop. The TM value will be set to the
default value of 1.
BM The line number of the Bottom Margin of the page. When
this line number is exceeded, the printer automatically skips
to the next page. BM must be less than or equal to MPL. The
default value isMPL.