Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

COM port adapter A cable adapter that allows a standard
DB-25 serial cable to be connected to
the RJ-12 serial port of the ALLY
Configuration To assemble a collection of hardware
and software into a system and to adjust
each of the parts so they all work
Control code A byte of information representing a
print instruction (e.g., a tab).
Control Unit The portion of the CPU that directs the
step-by-step operation of the entire
computing system.
Count byte A byte that indicates the number of
bytes to follow in an escape sequence.
CPI Characters per inch.
CR Carriage return.
CR/LF Carriage return/line feed.
CRT Cathode ray tube. A video display
CTS Clear to send. A hardware handshaking
method in serial interfacing.
Data bits Word length. The number of data bits in
a word.
Data stream Information transmitted between the
host system and the ALLY PLUS.
DB-25 A plug with 25 male or female pins,
most commonly used with a serial
Decimal A base 10 numbering system.
Default Formatting configurations that are
present and are used automatically
when no other information is available.
Delimit To mark the beginning and end of a
character string.