Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

6287 ALLY PLUS User’s ManualPage 11-14
9 — DisplayWrite 370 Bolding On
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFS
%02  Bolding On.
A — DisplayWrite 370 Bolding Off
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFS
%03  Bolding Off.
B — Coax Host PFS
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFS
%12  Switch to Coax Host.
C — Alternate Host PFS
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFSs
%14  Switch to Parallel Port 1 Host, %16  Switch to Parallel Port 2
Host, %23 Switch to Serial Port 1 Host and %25  Switch to Serial Port
2 Host.
D — Custom Banner
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFS
%20  Reserved. There is no standard ALLY PLUS equivalent to this
PFS. This PFS will be sent to the printer only when it is triggered by the
user in the data stream.
E — Begin Bracket
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFS
%21  Reserved. There is no standard ALLY PLUS equivalent to this
PFS. This PFS will be sent to the printer only when it is triggered by the
user in the data stream.
F — System Status Available
The contents of this PFS definition will be inserted in ALLY PLUS PFS
%22  Reserved. There is no standard ALLY PLUS equivalent to this
PFS. This PFS will be sent to the printer only when it is triggered by the
user in the data stream.