Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

6287 ALLY PLUS User’s ManualPage 13-4
Diagnostic A routine designed to verify the
operation of a system and to find a
malfunction in a device.
DisplayWrite 370 An IBM word processing application
that supports bolding, underlining and
DPA Display printer adapter.
DSC Data stream compatible. A pre-SNA
EAB Extended Attribute Buffer. A feature
found in many IBM printers that
extends the number of characters
available for transmission to the printer.
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal
Interchange Code. An eight bit
character code.
EC Establishment controller.
EM character End of message marker.
Emulation A hardware or software product
imitating the function of another
hardware or software product.
End of Message A character that represents the last
character of a message.
EPROM Erasable programmable read-only
memory. The storage medium for the
ALLY PLUS firmware.
Esc Escape control character. A non-graphic
(unimaged) code that signals the
transmission of control information to
Esc c1 - c3 Escape sequences used by certain
Xerox applications for printer tray
Establishment controller See cluster controller.
Exception condition A printing problem in an SNA