Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

6287 ALLY PLUS User’s ManualPage 3-28
When DisplayWrite is ON, each line of text is buffered until a new line
(CR/LF) is received, or until the column limit (determined by Option #12 or
Option #22) is reached, whichever comes first. No escape sequences should
be added to the data stream by the user when DisplayWrite is ON, because
these escape sequences will be added to the column count, and because they
will come into conflict with the escape sequences being sent to the printer
by the ALLY PLUS. In other words, the user cannot expect to be able to
control the printer with escape sequences at the same time that the ALLY
PLUS is trying to control the printer, because conflicts will inevitably occur
with unpredictable results.
Similarly, PFS commands (!ALLY!>PFS#) should not be embedded in the
data stream when DisplayWrite is ON. While these commands are not
added to the column count, they can cause formatting problems because
they are not buffered along with the text. Rather, they are sent to the printer
immediately upon receipt by the ALLY PLUS. Thus, any PFS command
will affect the entire line of text, not just the text that follows the command.
For instance, if PFS %02  Bolding On and PFS %03  Bolding Off are
on the same line of text, no text in the line will be bolded, because the
printer will receive both the bold on and bold off commands before any text
is sent to the printer.
Note: To avoid unexpected formatting results, Option #12  SCS right
margin and Option #22  DSC right margin should be set to 00 (infinite
line length), Option # 14  SCS bottom margin and Option #24  DSC
bottom margin should be set to 00 (infinite page length), and Option #70 
DisplayWrite 370 support should be set to 00 (disabled) if any of the
following are true:
the user or the users application embeds escape sequences in the
data stream
the user or the users application embeds transparency or pseudo
transparency strings in the data stream
the user embeds !ALLY! commands (configuration, translate table or
PFS commands) within print jobs.
If DisplayWrite is ON, Option #12  SCS right margin and Option #22 
DSC right margin should be set to a non-zero value (i.e., the unit should not
be set to infinite line length). The ALLY PLUS will not buffer more than 255
characters per line.