Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

Xerox EBCDIC Font Downloads
This feature was developed to eliminate the need for both EBCDIC and
ASCII fonts to be resident on the mainframe, and at the same time allow the
protocol converter to be in ASCII output mode at all times. This is an
important feature to ALLY PLUS users who require the alternate host
port(s) for PC-type data.
When the ALLY PLUS sees s+A or s+F, a font is being sent by the
host. Fonts are terminated by a sequence of ten or more Ts. Refer to the
Xerox printer reference manual for further information on this escape
sequence. If the users application requires this feature, and if the user
would like to use the printer in ASCII mode, Option #74  Allow EBCDIC
font downloads should be set to 01 (enabled).
Note: If Option #02 is set to 01 (EBCDIC) or 02 (Switchable), this option
should be disabled.
Metacode Support
Some Xerox printers are capable of accepting Metacode data. The Xerox
4235 is a Metacode-capable printer, for example. The data seen by the
ALLY PLUS and the printer are identical when this type of data is detected.
Metacode data is triggered by a 35h in the data stream, immediately
followed by a count byte, then the data itself. The data is not translated in
this sequence. Here is the host data as it might appear:
35 10 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F
With the Metacode option turned ON, the printer sees the identical data
With the Metacode option turned OFF, the 35 and the count byte (10) are
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F
Refer to Option #72 in Section 3  Configuration. Users with applications
that require a Metacode-capable printer should enable this option.