Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

%53 — Alternate LU1 End Bracket
A job boundary PFS used when Option #57 is enabled. After an LU1 job,
and before any other job type (including alternate host jobs), this PFS is
sent. A good use for this PFS is to reset the printer or to offset the output.
By default there is no data in this PFS.
%54 — LU3 Begin Bracket
A job boundary PFS used when Option #57 is enabled. This PFS is sent just
prior to an LU3 job. Until the LU3 unbind PFS is sent, no other host may
take control of the printer. By default there is no data in this PFS.
%55 — LU3 End Bracket
A job boundary PFS used when Option #57 is enabled. This PFS is sent out
after an LU3 job is finished. By default there is no data in this PFS.
%56 — Reserved
This PFS is reserved for future use by AGILE.
%57 — Reserved
This PFS is reserved for future use by AGILE.
%58 — Reserved
This PFS is reserved for future use by AGILE.
%59 — Mode 1 PFS
If the length of this PFS is non-zero, selecting Mode 1 from the front panel
will force the sending of this PFS.
%60 — Mode 2 PFS
If the length of this PFS is non-zero, selecting Mode 2 from the front panel
will force the sending of this PFS.