Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

General Information
The DSC (Data Stream Compatibility) character set is found in non-SNA
environments. It has a limited number of control characters, which are
explained below.
Carriage Return (CR) — 05h
This command moves the presentation position to the left margin. See
Option #21 in Configuration for setting a left margin value other than 1.
End of Message (EM) — 01h
The End of Message command terminates printing, and it also may send a
new line to the printer, depending upon the settings of Options 26 and 27,
and upon whether or not the current print position is column 1. Here is a
table listing all of the possible results:
00 00 1 No new line
00 00 >1 Send new line
00 01 1 Send new line
00 01 >1 Send new line
01 00 1 No new line
01 00 >1 Send new line
01 01 1 Send new line
01 01 >1 Send new line
Form Feed (FF) — 02h
The Form Feed command moves the presentation position to the top and
left margins of the next page.
New Line (NL) — 03h
The New Line command moves the presentation position to the next line
and left margin of the page. If the line count exceeds the bottom margin, the
ALLY PLUS will send an FF to the printer, and the print position will be
the left and top margins of the next page.