Xerox 6287 Printer User Manual

66 — SCS PTM trigger 2
This option has no effect unless the two-trigger method (see Option #62) is
selected. The default second trigger is 5B, which is an SCS dollar sign ($).
Here are some examples of setting this option:
!ALLY!66=5B; an SCS dollar sign ($) (default)
!ALLY!66=5F an SCS logical not (¬) is frequently used
67 — Discard transparency terminator
When the two-trigger pseudo transparency mode is selected (see Option
#62), an invalid character is needed to terminate the sequence (an invalid
character is one outside of the 0-9 and A-F range). When the terminator is
detected by the ALLY PLUS, this option tells it whether to print it or
discard it. Here are the proper programming sequences for this option:
!ALLY!67=00; print pseudo transparency terminator (default)
!ALLY!67=01; discard terminator
68 — Specify DSC transparency terminator
This option applies only to DSC data streams. When the two-trigger pseudo
transparency mode is selected (see Option #62), the user normally
terminates pseudo transparency with an invalid character. When this option
is set to 00, any invalid character will terminate pseudo transparency,
including a system NL command. A non-zero value selects a specific
terminator character, and it tells the ALLY PLUS to throw away all other
invalid characters, and to combine only valid pairs for outputting until the
specific terminator is detected.
!ALLY!68=00; terminate on any invalid character (default)
!ALLY!68=1B; terminate only on DSC cent sign (¢)