BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
358 Chapter 26: Simple Network Management Protocol BMD00220, October 2010
Configuring SNMP Trap Hosts
SNMPv1 Trap Host
1. Configure a user with no authentication and password.
2. Configure an access group and group table entries for the user. Use the following menu to specify
which traps can be received by the user:
In the example below the user will receive the traps sent by the switch.
3. Configure an entry in the notify table.
4. Specify the IPv4 address and other trap parameters in the targetAddr and targetParam
tables. Use the following commands to specify the user name associated with the targetParam table:
Note – BLADEOS 6.5 supports only IPv4 addresses for SNMP trap hosts.
>> # /cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/usm 10/name "v1trap"
>> #
/cfg/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/access <user number>
/c/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/access 10 (Access group to view SNMPv1 traps)
name "v1trap"
model snmpv1
nview "iso"
/c/sys/ssnmp/snmpv3/group 10 (Assign user to the access group)
model snmpv1
uname v1trap
gname v1trap
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server notify 10 name v1trap
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server notify 10 tag v1trap
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server target-address 10 name v1trap address
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server target-address 10 parameters-name v1param
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server target-address 10 taglist v1param
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server target-parameters 10 name v1param
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server target-parameters 10 user-name v1only
RS G8124(config)# snmp-server target-parameters 10 message snmpv1