Cabletron Systems 2000 Switch User Manual

4-4 RMON Statistics
Fragments Indicates the number of packets processed by the
network segment that were undersized (less than 64
bytes in length; a runt packet) and had either a
non-integral number of bytes (alignment error) or a bad
frame check sequence (CRC error).
Jabbers Indicates the number of packets processed by the
network segment that were oversized (greater than 1518
bytes; a giant packet) and had either a non-integral
number of bytes (alignment error) or a bad frame check
sequence (CRC error).
Collisions Indicates the total number of receive (those the device
detects while receiving a transmission) and transmit
(those the device detects while transmitting) collisions
detected on the network segment.
Undersized Indicates the number of packets processed by the
network segment that contained fewer than 64 bytes
(runt packets) but were otherwise well-formed.
Oversized Indicates the number of packets processed by the
network segment that contained more than 1518 bytes
(giant packets) but were otherwise well-formed.
In their default state, the percentages displayed to the right of the numerical
values for these Þelds indicate what percentage of total packets transmitted on
the network segment were of the noted type. If you select the % of Tot. Errors
option by clicking the mouse button in the check box, the percentages will
indicate what percentage of problem, or error, packets transmitted on the
network segment were of the noted type; these percentages will add up to 100.
(The % of Tot. Errors option is active if there is a check mark in the check box.)
The pie chart in the center of the window provides a graphical view of the
selected percentage breakdown; colors in the pie chart correspond to colors in the
percentage display boxes. Values listed to the right of the pie chart indicate peak
delta values recorded since the statistics screen was launched, and the date and
time they occurred.
Frame Size (Bytes) Packets
The Frame Size (Bytes) Packets Þelds indicate the number of packets (including
error packets) processed by the network segment that were of the noted length,
excluding framing bits but including frame check sequence bits. Packet sizes
counted are:
¥ 65-127
¥ 128-255
¥ 256-511
¥ 512-1023
¥ 1024-1518