
The SmartSwitch 2000 Chassis View
2-2 Viewing Chassis Information
Viewing Chassis Information
The SmartSwitch 2000 Chassis View window (Figure 2-1) provides graphic
representations of the SmartSwitch 2000, including a color-coded port display
which immediately informs you of the current conÞguration and status of the
switch and its ports.
Figure 2-1. The SmartSwitch 2000 Chassis View Window
By clicking in designated areas of the chassis graphical display (as detailed later
in this chapter), or by using the menu bar at the top of the Chassis View window,
you can access all of the menus that lead to more detailed device-, module-, and
port-level windows.
HSIMs that have their own IP address (HSIM-W6, HSIM-W84, and HSIM-SSA710/20)
are accessed individually by selecting the HSIM you wish to manage and following the
steps listed above. However, before you can access the device, you must add it to your
central node database by inserting it in an existing List, Tree, or Map View, or by doing a
Discover process (refer to your UserÕs Guide for more information). Once it has been
added to your List, Tree, or Map view, you can access the HSIM from its individual icon.
When you move the mouse cursor over a management Òhot spotÓ the cursor icon will
change into a ÒhandÓ to indicate that clicking in the current location will bring up a
management option.