
The SmartSwitch 2000 Chassis View
2-70 Managing the Hub
Setting Port Operational Modes
To assign a port operational mode (dot1dTrunk, dot1QTrunk, or hybrid) to a port
on your 802.1Q switch:
1. In the VLAN Port Config window’s list box, click to select a port to which you
wish to assign a port operational mode.
2. In the Port Operational Mode field, click to select the desired operational
3. Click the Apply button. The selected mode will be reflected in the list box for
the selected port.
Setting Port Frame Discard Formats
To assign a frame discard format (discardTagged, discardUntagged, or
noDiscard) to a port on your 802.1Q switch:
1. In the VLAN Port Config window’s list box, click to select a port to which you
wish to assign a frame discard format.
2. In the Port Discard field, click to select the desired frame discard format.
3. Click the Apply button. The selected mode will be reflected in the list box for
the selected port.
Updating VLAN Port Config Window Information
Clicking the Refresh button will update the information displayed in the 802.1Q
VLAN Port Assignment list without closing the window.
Performing Egress List Configuration
802.1Q VLAN switching allows each port on a switch to transmit trafÞc for any or
all deÞned VLANs on your network. During egress list conÞguration, you
determine which VLANs are on each portÕs egress list. See Egress List Operation,
on page 2-62 for details on egress lists.
Egress list conÞguration operations are performed using the VLAN Egress Port
ConÞg window. To launch the window:
1. Click on Device in the Chassis View menu bar to display the Device menu.
2. Click on 802.1Q VLAN, and then select 802.1Q VLAN Egress Port Config.
The VLAN Egress Port Config window, Figure 2-26, will appear.