Device reconfiguration procedures for FC and FCoE
Additional Notes
Device reconfiguration procedures for FC and FCoE
There are three methods to reconfigure the devices added or removed
in the system.
Method 1:
Reboot the system :
shutdown -r now
Method 2:
Remove and reinsert the modular driver
For example:
modprobe -rv qla2400
modprobe -v qla2400
Method 3:
Use QLogic script to dynamically scan the devices. QLogic has the
QLogic FC HBA LUN Scan Utility which is available from the
EMC-approved site on the QLogic website.
Note: It is highly recommended that a rescan of the SCSI bus should not be
conducted while you are running IO. The dynamic discovery and insertion of
LUNs while IO is running on applications may cause unforeseen errors to
occur on the IO in flight. The benefit of the dynamic scanning of the SCSI bus
is to reduce the need to reboot the server.
Usage examples ◆ To re-scan all the adapters, enter one of the following commands:
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh -s
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh --scan
◆ To re-scan and remove any lost LUNs, enter one of the following
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh -s -r
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh --scan --refresh
To invoke the menu, enter one of the following commands:
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh -i
# ./ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc.sh --interactive