Technical support, 137 to 138
TET (Text Enhancement Technology), 64, 90
Text scanning
editing, 69
file type, 70, 76
Macintosh, 89 to 90
Windows, 63 to 72
Text/Graph setting, 47
Thickness lever, 40, 128
Thin original, copying, 21
Threshold setting, 63 to 64, 89 to 90, 133
Time stamps, copying with, 29 to 30
Transporting the EPSON Stylus Scan, 118
Troubleshooting, 119 to 138
Auto Exposure button, 63, 88
Auto Locate button, 63, 88
Auto Scan button, 62, 88
configuring for Macintosh, 90 to 91
configuring for Windows, 64 to 65
de-screening setting, 61, 87
for Macintosh, 86 to 91
for Windows, 59 to 65
previewing image, 62 to 63, 88
selecting scan area, 63, 88
suppressing interface, 95
threshold setting, 63 to 64, 89 to 90, 133
unsharp mask setting, 62, 88
Uninstalling software, 135 to 136
Unsharp Mask, 62, 88
USB, 139, 140
Copy Utility, 22 to 31
Fax Utility, 98 to 103
Head Cleaning, 108
Nozzle Check, 109 to 110
Personal Copy, 32 to 35
Print Head Alignment, 117
Warranty, 146
copying with, 29 to 30
printing with, 42
copying, 22 to 31
faxing, 97 to 102
printing, 40 to 43
scanning, 59 to 83
system requirements, 139
TWAIN, 59 to 65
WinFax, 98, 138
Word processor, opening OCR text file,
71 to 72
World Wide Web, 137, 138
Year 2000, 141