Paper roll Bit-image commands GS v 0
Ver. 10.01 p. 296
This printer supports the graphics functions of GS(L/GS8 L. It is recommended to use
GS(L /GS8 L instead of GS v 0.
The model information for this function (the dot density and maximum print area and others) is
for the graphic functions. See the model information of Function 69 and 112 of GS(L/GS8 L.
TM-L90, TM-T90
This printer supports the graphics functions of GS(L/GS8 L. It is recommended to use
GS(L /GS8 L instead of GS v 0.
Modes that can be specified and the magnification of the print result are as follows:
Values of [Dot density] and [Maximum print area (dot)] are the same as for the graphic functions.
See Function 69 of GS(L/GS8 L.
Horizontal Vertical
0, 48 Normal One time One time
1, 49 Double-width Two times One time
2, 50 Double-height One time Two times
3, 51 Quadruple Two times Two times