Paper roll Miscellaneous commands DLE DC4 (fn = 7 )
Ver. 10.01 p. 389
DLE DC4 (fn = 7)
[Name] Transmit specified status in real time
fn m
Hex 10 14
fn m
Decimal 16 20
fn m
= 7
= 1, 5
[Printers not featuring this command] TM-J2000/J2100, TM-T90, TM-T88III, TM-L90, TM-L60II, TM-U220, TM-U230
TM-U210, TM-U300A/B
[Description] Transmits specified status in real-time as follows.
■ This is a real-time command that the printer executes upon receiving it. Take the following into
• If this command interrupts the code string of another command, this command is processed as a
parameter of the other command; therefore, the print result will not be correct.
• If a command such as graphic or defined data has a code string that is the same as a code string in a
parameter, the printer processes this command and then continues with the bit-image or other
■ The status or response format is the same as the format of the related command in the table above.
See the description of the related command corresponding to m.
■ Basic ASB status transmission has the following rules.
• This function makes the printer transmit the specified ASB to the host PC regardless of whether the
setting for ASB is enabled or disabled.
Function Related command
1 Transmits basic ASB status. GS a
5 Transmits battery status. None
Miscellaneous commands