Paper roll Status commands DLE EOT
Ver. 10.01 p. 307
transmission buffer is 99 bytes; therefore, data that exceeds 99 bytes is ignored. When using this
command, the host should be changed to the Reverse Mode immediately and execute a receive
processing of status.
■ Real time status can be differentiated by the information of bits 0, 1, 4, and 7 from other transmission
data. If the data transmitted from the printer after outputting is “0xx1xx10”(x = 0 or 1), process the data
as a real time status.
[Model-dependent variations] TM-J2000/J2100, TM-T90, TM-L90, TM-T88III, TM-L60II, TM-P60, TM-U230,
TM-U220, TM-U210
Program Example for all printers
PRINT #1, CHR$(&h10);CHR$(&h4);CHR$(2); ← Transmits offline status
PRINT #1, CHR$(&h10);CHR$(&h4);CHR$(&h7);CHR$(1); ←
Transmits ink status A