“Self-Test” is the name of the built-in program that prints out
several sample lines of letters, numbers, and other characters to
show you that everything is in good working order. You can print
the Self-Test without hooking up your Gemini to a computer.
The Gemini Self-Test is a special feature that allows you to
check your installation of the paper and ribbon and the adjustment
of the print head gap. At the same time, the printout provides a
preview of what’s to come: all the standard characters in both
normal and italic type styles.
The Gemini Self-Test is as easy as “one, two, three?
Plug the printer’s electrical plug into an
electrical outlet.
2. Insert a sheet of paper.
3. While holding down the “LF” button on the
control panel, turn the power switch “on?
The Self-Test (shown on the following two pages) will print out
automatically. If you hold down the “LF” button, the Self-Test will
continue printing out.
The Gemini-lox Self-Test (Figure 3-1, a &. b) consists of four
lines that show the standard character set that your printer can
produce. The Gemini-15X Self-Test (Figure 3-2, a & b) uses the
same characters, and is also displayed on four lines.
After you run the Self-Test on your printer, you can skip to
Chapter 4 if you are in a hurry to hook-up your Gemini to your
computer and start printing out data that you generated. On the
other hand, if you want to take a few minutes to finish this chapter,
you’ll learn what these characters represent and how to use them.